How playing with Duplo led to some recreational maths

This is probably going to be the weirdest blog post I have ever written. If you’re up for it, let’s do this! I recently played with LEGO Duplo. Yes I am an adult, go figure. While building random stuff I came across something interesting (to me). I had a large green board and a small fence. The fence has two points at either end where it can be connected to the board and has a length of five....

May 27, 2024 · 7 min

How To: Create a Digital Frame with MagicMirror

I’ve wanted a digital frame at home for a while now. I’m notoriously bad at organizing pictures, even worse at sorting, printing, arranging or displaying them. So when I found out that digital frames were a thing it seemed like this would be a natural solution to this problem. Unfortunately, the commercially available ones either don’t have the features that I want (e.g. some way to connect with my images stored in my Nextcloud) or feature worrying amounts of integration with various third-party services, clouds, phone apps and whatnot....

February 8, 2023 · 5 min

Self-Hosting or How I learned to stop worrying and love the Cloud

For a few years now, I’ve hosted a small server at home. Nothing too exciting, I’d say. It all started with a Nextclound instance (see here) and sort of evolved from there. After a while I discovered docker and the amount of services saw a dramatic, albeit short-lived uptick. I tried out all kinds of things, like uptime-kuma, FreshRSS, miniflux, portainer, watchtower. At some point I came across what used to be bitwarden_rs and is now called vaultwarden, a self-hostable reimplementation of Bitwarden....

February 8, 2023 · 6 min

My New Job

I’ve got a new job. I started working as a developer for a software consulting company last October and wanted to finally take the opportunity to write about it all. My last job didn’t end particularly well. I had been doing it for two years and became increasingly frustrated with my work without ever quite realizing it or why that was. I was in a position where I was unable to take a step back and reflect on my situation, why I was unhappy with it or what needed to change....

January 3, 2023 · 5 min

Working efficiently with my MacBook Air

I’ve changed jobs recently so I no longer had access to my trusty ThinkPad T490 running Ubuntu anymore. Instead, I was provided with a brand new MacBook Air. I’ve got to admit, I’ve always liked the look and feel of these machine (from the outside that is) but I’ve never used one myself, barring messing around with it in the local electronics shop. With that said, I had some concerns with being able to work with this thing efficiently because I was so used to my Linux setup....

June 3, 2022 · 3 min